Friday, February 19, 2016

Christmas week!!! (12/28/15 email)

Hello fam and friends!

Well this week has been GREAT!! Wow. We met with our two amazing
investigators, N and C, for the second time. I don't remember if I
told you about them last week, but they are just super amazing. They
have a cute little baby boy and they grew up in Judaism and
Catholicism but wanted to find out for sure what God's church is in
order to know how to raise their newborn, G. Well rewind actually. We
found them because the Bishop said he'd been praying about where we
should be and he felt like we should be in their neighborhood, and we
found him outside smoking so we talked to him. They look nothing like
who you'd expect to be interested in the Church - tattoos, piercings,
and all - but that just goes to show how wrong our judgements can be.
(Moral of the story: don't judge others.) Anyways, in our first lesson
we committed them to stop drinking alcohol and coffee and quit smoking
and to prepare for baptism on January 16. Then, in our second lesson,
we taught the Plan of Salvation and the Law of Chastity and they said
they'll get married on January 7! THEY ARE SO DANG AMAZING! They were
planning on getting married eventually, but not until after N paid off
her student loan debt, buuuuuuuut C said, "We've already been able to
see everything in our lives fall into place since we've met you, so we
know that if we keep following what you say, we'll be blessed. We still
want to get baptized on the 16th." I JUST LOVE THEM!!

Also, it was pretty dang blizzardous here last night - snow and wind and all.

Here's us in the kitchen.

Here's us in the car.

Our cute 10-year-old investigator, A, sent us this picture yesterday and said her dog likes the Book of Mormon, too.

How many faces are in this picture? 

We were at a member's house for part of Christmas and their cute little kid flew his new toy right into my hair. There was some hair lost, but not nearly as much as expected.

Christmas morning (we brought our mattresses into the living room)

My cute fam 💗

The lesson that I've learned this week is just how dang powerful prayer is! Well let's be honest, I probably still don't know just how powerful it is, but I'm still learning. Anyways, I was so frustrated about something earlier this week, so I finally decided to pray about it to know what I should do. I was adding it into all of my prayers that day, but then I realized I didn't have an open heart to whatever answer God may give me. Soooo I prayed to have an open heart, then felt like I should prayerfully study my patriarchal blessing for guidance. And BOOM, just like that, my answer was there. It's hard to really portray how powerful the experience was, especially because I struggle with putting my thoughts into words sometimes. But I promise you, prayer is amazing and we should all rely on it more to help us make decisions.

Love you all!!

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